Who to travel with?
As travelling is one of my favourite parts of life I have done some thinking about whom to travel with and why. Here are my results of resonation:
A travel contains many aspects which make them vary a lot and provide different experiences, knowledge and memories. In my opinion your travel companions is the most decisive of all factors. You can go as a group, a couple, with your friends, your family or by yourself.
Travelling alone does for many people sound like a lonesome experience. If you go to a country where they do not speak your own language it can be difficult to socialize and you could end up quite lonely and be eager to speak to someone. I think travelling alone requires you to be mature and independent; then you can get a good relaxation or have an educational experience.
When you are travelling with your friends you probably have other intentions, often primarily having fun. If you fancy getting to know people travelling with friends will make that a lot easier. You could do activities and meet new people together and go out at nights. The disadvantage of going on a holiday with a big group of friends is that you can find it difficult agreeing on how to spend your time.
When you are travelling to unsecured destinations or to get an instructive experience I think the best companions you can take with you are your family members. It is safe to travel with your family and you can get to learn a lot because family holidays are often recognized to contain a lot of museums and cultural experiences. What might not be so good about it is that it requires a lot of compromising because in a family there is most likely to be different ages and needs to be satisfied.
I also love to travel, and I enjoyed reading your thoughts about travelling companions. I get really excited every time I'm going away, regardless if it's to another country or just a weekend to my cottage. I think that the trip depends a lot on your travelling companions, because you have to listen to their wishes, and make compromises if you want to do different things. I know that you lived in York last year, and I'm wondering what you thought about travelling all alone to another country. Were you scared or just excited about going to a new school in England?
SvarSlettThanks for a lovely comment! As for me, travelling companions make the whole trip. What would a holiday be like if you did not have anyone to talk about your experiences with? Travelling alone was not that scary. Funnily enough because of the people I travelled with. It helps a great deal to be able to talk in your mother tounge about all the new things your going through. Even better when they are experiencing the same as you! Going to York College was a bit scary sometimes because I did a few subjects as the only norwegian in the class. Now I'm just looking forward new challenges when I go to Africa next year, perhaps with you :)